28 Nov 2009


生shēng 詞cí :Vocabulary

傍bāng 晚wăn :towards evening

綠lǚ 園yuán 道dào :the road planted with a lot of trees

散sàn 步bù :take a walk

不bù 經jīng 意yì :carelessly

不bù 僅jǐn …也yě :not only …but also

悄qiăo 悄qiăo 地di :silently

沈chén :variant

暗àn :dark

夕xì 陽yáng :the setting sun

才cái …(就jiù)已yǐ :just, not until…, the thing has been already happened.

一yì 眨zhă 眼yăn 兒ér :in a twinkle, very short and quick time

蹤zōng 影yǐng :trace

整zhěng 個ge :whole

天tiān 邊biān :end of the earth

灰huī 濛méng 濛méng 地dì :dark gray with mist

才cái …再zài …已yǐ :just…redo something…the thing has been already happened

思sī 索suǒ :thinking

有yǒu 沒méi 有yǒu :there is or there is not

月yuè 亮liàng :moon

抬tái 頭tóu :to raise one's head

U夜yè 幕mù :curtain of night

降jiàng 臨lín :coming

昏hūn 黃huáng :yellow but not clear

路lù 燈dēng :street light

雖suī …但dàn :also…but

一yì 盞zhăn :the unit of street light

樹shù 蔭yìn :shads of the trees

遮zhē 住zhù :block

涼liáng 風fēng :cool wind

吹chuī 起qǐ :blow

當dāng …更gèng :when… more

光guāng 影yǐng :shadow

稀xī 微wéi :weak

只zhǐ 見jiàn :only you can see…

樹shù 底dǐ 下xià :under tree

行xíng 人rén :pedestrian

身shēn 影yǐng :shadow

忽hū 隱yǐn 忽hū 現xiàn :appear and disappear intermittently

也yě 不bù 知zhī 在zài …還hái 是shì :be not sure that the person doing this or that

漫màn 步bù :take a walk

趕găn 著zhe :rush to do something

遠yuăn 方fāng :far away

自zì 行xíng 車chē :bicycle

騎qí 士shì :riders

車chē 隊duì :pro cycling

夜yè 景jǐng :scenery of night

搖yáo 晃huàng :to sway

好hăo 似sì :like

一yì 條tiáo :unit of the tube

閃shăn 爍shuò :twinkle

霓ní 紅hóng :neon light

一yì 會huǐ 兒ēr :a short while

便biàn :then

不bù 著zhe 痕hén 跡jī 地dì (消xiāo 失shī ): (disappeared) very quickly without any trace

只zhǐ 有yǒu :only

倚yǐ (在zài …旁páng ):to lean close to…soothing aside

垃lè 圾sè 桶tǒng :garbage can

見jiàn 證zhèng :witness, testimony

風fēng 光guāng 地dì :vigorously

經jīng 過guò :pass by

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