27 Aug 2009

Lovely Idiom 殺出程咬金

Chinese idiom:“半bàn 路lù 殺shā 出chū 一yí 個ge 程chéng 咬yăo 金jīn”,it means there is an unexpected person burst out in the middle way AND obstruct the process of plan.

1. 半bàn 路lù :in the middle way.

2. 程chéng 咬yăo 金jīn : In Chinese history, this guy was a person often took a knife and appeared in the middle way, tried to involve something; due to he acted rashly, people unexpect to see him in any serious occasions. Here is a metaphor of unexpected person and imply this guy impede the plan.

3. 殺shā 出chū :burst out appearing; suddenly coming, abruptly coming, unexpectedly coming…
Here we say 殺出instead of 出chū 現xiàn ,just want to emphasize this guy took a weapon(seems threat or kill) and appear(出現)or come(出來)

Have you finished your homework yet?
Not yet.
Because there was a 程咬金came here (and interrupted me).

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